Monday, January 17, 2011

unit 5

Compare and contrast the Loving Kindness exercise and the Subtle mind exercise. Explain your experience including the benefits, frustrations etc. 
Loving kindness and subtle mind were two totally different yet similar experiences for me. Both of them helped me to relax and focus and when i was done feel so much better inside but each felt different emotionally. One i was feeling better deep within myself because i was easing my mind. With the other i felt like i loved myself and i could love others as well. Taking that emotion that i give so freely to those i love and give it to myself as well. It's okay to love yourself too.  I did not have any frustrations but only benefits. I have even been told i came out with a better attitude and didn't look as stressed or frustrated.

Discuss the connection of the spiritual wellness to mental and physical wellness. Explain how the connection is manifested in your personal life.

The connection of spiritual wellness to mental and physical wellness all coincide with each other.When you are spirtually well it creates a positivity in your mental state which then in turn makes your body physically feel great. If your are negative and dont have faith it creates a negativity and put a negative impact onto your mental and physical state which makes everything so much worse. This is why i keep my faith up and never give up and do my best to stay positive because thats when i feel mentally and physically so wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cristina,

    Yes it's true.. We can love ourselves and it's perfectly alright to do, without feeling guilty about it.

    I however felt surprisingly a lot more stressed after completing the subtle mind exercise. I struggled with remaining focused on just one thing, as my mind tends to wander and I have an extremely difficult time calming down.

    Faith is a wonderful and very powerful thing. I truly believe that I would not have made it this far in life without my faith. It has carried me through some very tough and trying times, times when I thought I wouldn't make it.

    Keep up the smiles and positive attitudes, they're definitely working for ya.


